Weight gain issues
Failure to thrive is a huge concern for new parents and can cause much distress.
Babies instinctively know how to feed and how often to feed. After the first 2-3 days, newborn babies will feed approximately 8 times a day, and this is important to establish milk supply. This frequency of feeding will continue for some months.
Establishing full milk supply will take about the first 4 weeks.
What can go wrong that affects milk supply establishment and can result in failure to thrive?
Incorrect latching can affect milk coming in
Not understanding the frequency of feeds and wondering if you have enough milk and then offering formula
Giving babies dummies to keep them quiet instead of responding to feeding cues
Breastfeeding can feel demanding as you are the only person who can feed the baby, stick with it, you'll get there in the end!
Growth and weight gain differ considerably
Most babies will grow optimally
Genetics and parents size will influence the baby's weight and growth patterns
When you visit the GP or other health professionals, they will always weigh your baby, and this is a way to know your baby is growing as expected
Sometimes baby's weight might not be what is expected, and there are often reasons for this
Mums milk supply may have decreased due to reduced feeds
Baby may have been unwell and not feeding as frequently
Baby may not be able to coordinate feeding which may be related to prematurity
Parents may be offering baby a dummy instead of responding to feeding cues resulting in reduced feeds
If your breastfed baby is experiencing faltering growth, then a consultation with a Lactation Consultant will help to sort out the problem.